Nike: 10% Off for Students, First Responders, Military, Teachers and Medical Professionals

Nike is offer 10% discount to students, teachers, first responders, military, and medical professionals. Explore the latest discounts and promos. Enjoy free shipping as a Nike member.

How do I verify for Nike’s discount for first responders and medical professionals?

To receive this exclusive discount, simply click the ‘Shop Now’ button below. You’ll be taken to a Nike landing page for Promos and Discounts. Scroll down until you see the section titled ‘Discounts’. Under this section, you’ll a clickable image for discounts for first responders and medical professionals. Click this image, as it will take you to their help page, where you’ll click on the appropriate button (first responder or medical professional), and then you’ll verify your status. After then entering and verifying your information, you’ll receive your discount.

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